10 Common Chemical Ingredients To Avoid For Your Healthy And Beautiful Skin
No matter your gender, race, or age, we all want to have healthy and beautiful skin, and persons who have already achieved such a goal would like to do their best to maintain their skin's beauty and health. In our journey, we will undoubtedly come across numerous products, such as oils, oral supplements, scrubs, soaps, body masks, creams, etc., being advertised as the revolutionary skincare product. While some of them will certainly help us reach our goal or maintain healthy skin, there will be those that will do the opposite because they contain harmful ingredients.
In this eBook, we will cover a few of the ingredients you should avoid. These components are quite harmful to the skin and, in some cases, may cause irreversible damage.
- Yive Solutions; February 2021
- Title: 10 Common Chemical Ingredients To Avoid For Your Healthy And Beautiful Skin
- Author: Isabel Z.
- Language: English
- Length: 28 pages
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